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Making freezer jam


Freezer Jam Cookin'

Every since the day my kids picked nine and a half pounds of blackberries, we've been crankin' out the freezer jam. This is a new discovery for us (courtesy of my sister) - so easy and so delicious. The recipe comes inside the box of pectin, and you don't have to cook or can the berries - all you do is mash the fruit, add sugar, heat the pectin with water, mix it all up, and let it set. Then you can refrigerate it for three weeks or freeze for up to a year. The fruit mashing is fun and something kids of all ages will enjoy.

Besides the fun, you'll be reviewing some measurement math and estimation - how many strawberries more to make 4 cups of mashed fruit? Not to mention that kids often don't know much about the origins of food - jam is made out of, well, jam stuff - right?

Longtime readers know I rarely recommend a commercial site, but the Kraft Sure-Jell site has a great step-by-step video. Make sure you disable your pop-up blocker (I hold down the control key as I click) or you won't see the video.

Here's the site:






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