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Product Review: Glue dots


Oh my, how did we get along without Glue Dots? Around here, we've got a never-ending quest for instant adhesion satisfaction. And glue dots come very close. They're like double-sided tape, except they don't make you want to scream and throw things.

All you do is press one of the surfaces to be glued against the glue dot. Pull away, and the dot comes off its backing paper and sticks to your surface. Now you just press your two surfaces together with the dot in between, and you're done. Absolutely no drying time and no mess.

We used Craft Glue Dots, and they are strong enough to hold craft sticks and craft foam. The dots can be a little persnickety coming off the backing, but pressing hard seems to help.

The company also makes Glue Lines - can't wait to try those.

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