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Big Learning Cooking with Kids: Recipes, cookbook reviews, advice, websites
mom and child cooking

Cooking: Family Fun and Learning

Cooking - it's hard to think of an activity more rich in Big Learning. That makes sense, because eating is such a basic part of living. We all eat, so let's eat well! Here's just some of what kids can learn through cooking:

Math: Weights, liquid measures, dry measures - it's all there. Plus basic counting, fractions, addition, multiplication, and division.

Reading: Recipes are predictable texts - they use the same words over and over again. That means that beginning readers can decipher them with just a little practice.

Geography: Cook something from another country for an international learning experience!

Science: Recipes work because of science - leave out the baking powder and the muffins won't rise. Cooking is full of hands-on science.

Plus, your kids can develop art and creativity in ingredient choice and presentation. And learning to cook, they'll be learning important life skills.

We think kids should cook with adults and, as they get older, cook alone too. Our cooking guide has recipes to make together, cookbook reviews, and lots more. So dig in!

Family-friendly Recipes on BigLearning.org

Cookie Art
Healthy whole-grain pancakes
Soft Pretzels
Pumpkin muffins
No-cook, no-machine ice cream
Making freezer jam
Making Cheese
Lemonade and Lemonade Stands

BigLearning.org Book Reviews
Cookbooks for kids
Books about food and cooking

Super Snacks
Cooking Wizardry
Kids Multicultural Cookbook
It's Disgusting and We Ate It!
While You're Waiting for the Food to Come

More children's cookbooks

Food and Nutrition Math
Real world math in cooking and eating

Fast food nutrition
Measuring your veggies
Goop recipe and ratios
Nutrition pyramid math
Caffeine Content of Soft Drinks
Nutrition Information Web Sites

Cooking Science

Quickbread Chemistry
Egg Science

Cooking with Kids - More Resources

Tips for cooking with kids

Cooking with Kids

Tips from iVillage

Tips from KidsHealth

Recipes kids can make (maybe with a little adult help...)




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